
Showing posts from 2017

KAP Ren Faire Fall 2017

 My daughter had more fun at this faire than anyone else there.  She was out making friends with the animals again, including the goose that she took selfies with.  

Ark City Library Mini Comic-Con

 This was a pretty small con, and it was more focused on cosplay events, but I was invited to attend for free and we had fun. I got to participate in the author panel.  This was my first one, so if you watch the video, please don't make fun of me.  I'm still not great at speaking in front of crowds. Both my daughter and my daughter-in-law won their categories for the cosplay costumes.  They were both pretty excited. We didn't get very many pictures at this event.  They were to busy having a good time.  It's always fun to attend new events. 


  I have just mailed off my application for ICT con. Nadia and I are gonna try really hard to have Tonga done in time to present it at the con. It will be close. (especially since I just scrapped an entire chapter and Nadia just put a big change in our outline.)

Progress on Tonga

  So far Tonga has been completely hand written. It's not that I prefer pen and paper over the laptop or anything like that. I just try to write whenever I get a free minute, which is almost never. So I carry a notebook around with me and write when I can. I am happy to say that the first notebook is full today. It's going slower than I would like, but I've been busy and I've also been stopping now and again to research a few things. Not as much info on prehistoric men and animals as one would like you know, so it takes some time. But the story is still steadily coming along. Hopefully it will be done in time for ICT con or the fall Ren Faire.

New projects

  My current work in progress. We will have actual covers soon. I still need to purchase the artwork. (I'm sure you noticed the watermarks) The title for book 2 is still a work in progress.  

Interview with the authors of KAP


KAP Ren Faire Spring 2017

I didn't get to take as many pictures as usual this year. (Most of these were taken by Davis, or my daughter) I was busy selling books. You guys were great this year. I sold almost everything I came with. (I went home with two books.) Even though it was freezing out the first day, I had a really great time.