
Showing posts from 2018

Vortex of Time: Time Travel Convention 2018

 We did not get a lot of photos from this one.  Nadia mostly was having the time of her life, because she knew most of the kids there.  But it was a fun event.  This was their first year, and it wasn't too bad for a new event. 

Smallville Comicon 2018

 This is literally probably the best event I've ever been to.  We got to go for free.  Nadia's publisher paid for our table.  We were only two tables down from Dean Cain, although neither one of us got to meet him. The two pictures we have of him were actually taken by Jared, Nadia's publisher.  We did, however, get to meet Mindy Sterling from Austin Powers and Stephen Williams from Supernatural.  Let me tell you, they left an impression.  Nadia basically abandoned me the whole weekend and hung out with both of them.  They were both so wonderful.  Mindy came over to our table to talk to Nadia several times.  She was so impressed with her artwork, and even took selfies with her on her own phone. She gave Nadia a free autographed photo to give to me.  (They normally charge an arm and a leg for those, but she immediately told her Nadia she would give her one when she came over to our table and invited her to hang out with her) We got to see the Impala (no, not the real deal, b


 We will also be attending Wichicon this year.  We are filling up our schedule fast, so stay tuned for more updates. 

Going to Smallville

 We are going to Smallville this year!!  Thanks to my daughter's publisher, we will have a table together.  I will be there as an author and she will be there as an illustrator.  Check out her website to see some of her work: Maama Llama Ink  I will be including her website in my links as she will be illustrating some of my books down the road.

ICT Comicon 2018

 This was such a fun con.  A ton of our KAP authors were there with us.  Nadia's publisher was there with his own table, so she had double duty. AND I got to meet Sam Jones from Flash Gordon.  This was doubly special because my daughter's friend, who might as well be my own son, is a HUGE fan of Sam Jones.  Unfortunately he shipped out for Korea the night before the comicon.  So he didn't get to meet him personally.  I promised I would get a picture, which I did, but even better, Sam made a video for him.  (and yes, in the video he calls him my son.  We're ok with that) There are celebrities you meet that are underwhelming and then there are those that leave a lasting impression.  He was AMAZING! We had a wonderful time, sold some books and made some memories.