Two Books in the Works

Well, I've made a dent on my current WIP. Found a cover photo that has given me some inspiration, so I'm excited. (I will show you later, when the cover is completed) Still trying to come up with a title, but not in any hurry. I am going to give you all a chance to get involved in this one. The whole story revovles around the characters involvement with paranormal activity. I've always been facinated with the subject myself and have had a few experiences myself that can't be explained away. Some of the events in it are inspired by things that actually happened to me in real life, so it's fun and a little crazy. (Bet you guys didn't know how exciting my life really was. Or perhaps I'm just a little crazy.) So if you've got any good ghost stories, share them with us. If I see something really interesting, I may use it. (with your permission of course) I'm kind of excited about this book. It is one I've thought about for a long time but could never really put it together. It's one has a lot of meaning for me, because it's dedicated to my step-brother, who was always was an inspiration to me. This one is for him and for those who loved him and miss him as much as I do. I will keep you guys updated as much as possible. I want this one and Bloodlines done in time for the Ren Fair in April. That's not that far away, so I will probably be burning the candle on both ends for the next two months. But if I get to present both of them at the fair, it will be totally worth it. So stay tuned for some updates on both.
