Been a While

I just realized that I NEVER update on this page. I always do my updates on facebook, and this page gets neglected. To the point that I don't even give out the address to this site. Sad. So sad. Ok, so, maybe I should post an update. It's been a crazy busy month for me. Lots going on. So here goes. Last month, not such a great month. I lost my mom last month. This was tough for me, and still is. She wasn't very old; only 55. We were close. I can easily say that my mom was my best friend. I feel completely lost without her. Needless to say, I haven't been doing much writing for the last month. It just hasn't been in me. It has been so much harder than I ever thought it would be and I miss her like crazy. To say that I've wasted the past month isn't quite accurate either. It's been a busy month, both personally and book-wise. My daughter turned 15 earlier this month. We wasted a whole weekend celebrating her birthday. It was easily the best weekend we've had in a long time. It was great to be able to do that and see everyone smile after such a hard month. The same weekend, I found out that Reining In had been featured on Pixel of Ink. Why is that so exciting? Because the sales went through the roof. Holy wow! I almost fainted when I checked my dashboard Sunday night and saw all those new sales! This past weekend, I spent the whole weekend at the Ren Fair sitting in the Author's Pavilion. This is my second time attending and I still really enjoy it. I don't think we had as much interest as last year, but I think the more we do it, the better it will get. I can't wait for the fall fair. I'm hoping fellow author J.M. Pierce will attend. (he promised he would) It's so much fun to sit and talk to other authors. Interesting ideas pop up when you get together like that. LOL.
