New Covers, New Ending, New Names

Alright, it's official. I'm changing the name of book 2. Phantom Rising fits the story as much as Finding Hope did, but it is more fitting of the genre I write. So that's what I'm going with. It is also more fitting with the new ending, which was inspired by Ronnell's cover design. With the new covers, I think both books will have a more professional look. I can hardly wait. The countdown is on. Only a matter of days before I send it over to Michelle. I know I have taken a long time, but the new ending will be worth the wait. In other news, Imogen has shared her secret on where I can have a hard-cover with a case wrap printed. These are not for sale to the general public, but I will be ordering a few copies of Reining In in the near future for giveaways. I guarantee you guys will like them. I have a hard-cover of Portal with the case wrap and it is beautiful.
