Slow start, but getting there.

Well it wasn't as productive of a day as I hoped it would be. I started early, but I got interrupted so many times that I couldn't keep a straight thought for most of the day. I was hoping I would've made as much progress as yesterday. I would be almost done if I had. I am happy with how the story is going though. It seems to be headed in the right direction at least. Now for the good news. I thought I would have to delay everything because my editor was in the hospital. They sent her home, but she is on bed rest for the next couple of weeks. I didn't want to send work over to her while she was feeling ill, but last night she asked me to send it over. She's bored and looking for something to do. I love that girl. So the first six chapters are in her hands as we speak! I will be sending more over to her in the morning, and hopefully will have the rest completed to send to her before Tuesday rolls around. If she gets through it fairly quickly, it should be with my beta readers and then ready for submission before the week is up! (and uploaded to kindle before then.) Keeping my fingers crossed on that one!
