Some Updates for the Network Series.

 I have thought about this for a while now and finally made a decision.  I've never liked that Reining In and Phantom Rising are written in first person format.  Eternal is being written in third person format and I like it so much better.  Sooooo, I will be rewriting Reining In and Phantom Rising in a third person format.  Don't worry, the story isn't changing, except a few small details to help with continuity.  The story itself will not change; just the format. It has also been suggested to me to update the covers.  Since I have never found a cover I liked for Eternal (except on that I couldn't get in contact with the artist for permission) I decided to look into updating all four covers.  Here is a mock up of all four.  A few changes will be made before I use them, but please let me know what you think.  I've also decided to change the name of the last book.  Instead of Bloodlines, it is now Broken.  I think it fits the story line better.  
